
Monday, July 06, 2009

Civil Rights Restored to Tyrone Trumbo, Sr.

Testimony of Tyrone Trumbo, Sr.

I want to thank God first for restoring my right to vote. When I received the certificate in the mail the week of June 22nd, my wife Tiffany and I were estastic. She didn't know how to act. I have four sons, five daughters, and nephews whom I am trying to inspire and keep from making the bad choice I made as a youth. I am trying to be a positive figure for my family and friends.

Secondly, I want to thank my brother for bringing me to St. Stephen Church. Since he brought me 10 years ago, my life has changed. Before then, I was in the streets hustling. Hearing Rev. Cosby preach has inspired me to do the right thing. One of my sons and a daughter have been baptized, and I have met good friends through Sunday school.

Tyrone Trumbo, Sr. with his 7-year-0ld son, Montre at Wednesday Night Bible Study on July 1st. Tryone signs Montre into children's Bible study class.

A friend who had his rights restored last year, Carlton Gibson told me about Rev. Angela and this advocacy program for former felons. It means the world to me to have my rights restored. It makes me feel like I have proven something to myself, my family, my community, and to God, that I am headed in the right direction.

Min. Angela congratulates Tyrone for having civil rights restored, the right to vote and hold public office.

If you are someone you know is interested in applying for restoration of civil rights, e-mail Min. Angela Lee Price at or call 502-415-1001. The applicant must have completed probation or parole, and all fines and restitution must be paid.

Related Posts:
Civil Rights Restored to Sandra Bartell
Jesus Saves Gangsters, Too!
Miracle On the Ohio
Civil Rights Restored to 11 Former Felons

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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