
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Prayers of the Righteous Availeth Much

Min. Angela Lee Price
 Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us in James 4:2 that we do not have because we do not ask You, Oh Lord. Father, we're guilty  of needing and desiring, but still not asking in prayer. Please forgive our sins.  Father, what is it that we should be asking for today?
Lord, Should we be praying more fervently for the lost that they will come to know You as their Father in 2021? Should we pray more fervently for our children to grow strong in You and the power of Your might? Should we pray more fervently for our families, our ministries, our jobs, our churches; for health, education, and strength? For what should we pray? Lord, Please, put it on our lips today!

Should we pray for the sick and shut-in, the elderly, the lonely, and the bereaved? They need Your comfort, Your protection and Your strength.  Should we pray for mercy in Your court, the only court that matters.  There is so much that is wrong in the world, violence, addictions, natural disasters and disease. Only You can make it right! Lay it on our hearts by Your Holy Spirit that we may lay it at Your feet in prayer. We desire to stop offending You with the same ol, prayers for houses, cars, and material blessings! For Jesus has said  "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).

Help us today, My Lord, to talk to You about things we have never talked about in prayer. This earth is Yours and the fullness thereof, and You know our thoughts from afar off! We repent from our wicked ways!  Renew within us a righteous spirit, and put Your words in our hearts, and Your power in our words!

Heavenly Father, We love and need You. Thank you for being present in the lives of your people, and for answering prayer. We have read where Daniel prayed (Daniel 9 & 10) and you responded with visions, and  where Elijah prayed (James 5:17) and it did not rain for 3 1/2 years, Lord, later he prayed and it began to rain.  You answered their effectual, fervent prayers.  We pray to be a righteous people by the precious blood of your Son Jesus.   We believe that the effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

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