
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Jesus Saves Book Signing Tomorrow at Better Days Records

Jesus Saves Ministries is blessed to present The Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal, a compilation of 28 Jesus Saves Newsletters. The journal contains articles, sermon excerpts, devotions, prayers, and testimonies by Min. Angela Lee Price and contributing writers, from September 2005-October 2008, covering the period of Min. Angela's matriculation at Simmons College of Kentucky.

Join me for the first book signing at Better Days Records, Lyles Mall, 2600 West Broadway, Suite 104.

Purchase a journal today and help fund the ministry and a scholarship program for our next generation of preachers.

Donation: $15.00 each or $13.00 with purchase of companion book, The Net Christian E-Newsletter Supplement ($7.00).

RSVP on the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network, or the "Events" section on Facebook.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to update you on my first book signing. It went well. The Lord blessed our faith, and the purchasers enjoyed the additional gifts they received. Ben Jones at Better Days Records has invited me back in July. My goal is to sell the journals through the end of July and present Jesus Saves Ministries scholarship(s) to the student(s) the beginning of August. The student(s) who will receive the scholarship(s) are about to complete Bachelor degrees in Religious Studies. They have high gpa's and are close to finishing, but need financial assistance in order to return for the Fall semester.

    Simmons is on track to begin receiving federal funding in the Spring of 2010, so the students selected to receive this scholarship won't have financial assistance in the Fall unless private donors offer scholarships. I have a Bachelor of Theology degree today only because of private contributions to my education. Now, I am simply trying to do for someone else what was done for me.

    A $5.00 donation from every Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal sale will go toward our scholarship program. We have raise $250.00 since beginning this campaign began in early May. If you would like to purchase a journal, please send me an e-mail. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this initiative.


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