
Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr. Stacey Spencer Preaches at St. Stephen 83rd Church Anniversary

Rev. Angela Lee Price
Rev. Dr. Stacey Spencer, Sr. Pastor, New Direction Church, Memphis TN was the guest preacher yesterday at St. Stephen Church in Louisville, Kentucky for the church's 83rd anniversary. Dr. Spencer preached three services in Louisville and one service at our Jeffersonville, Indiana campus. At the 9:40 service, he called worship leader Jason Clayborne from the audience to help illustrate a point in his message, "Can You Handle the Glory?," based on 1 Chronicles Chapter 13.

Dr. Spencer got his start in ministry as the Youth Pastor at St. Stephen Church in the early '90's under Dr. Kevin Cosby. He shared testimony of how God chose him, a "country boy," from Western Kentucky University, to preach the Word of God. Dr. Cosby stated in his introductory remarks that Dr. Spencer currently pastors the fastest growing Disciples of Christ church in the nation.

In this video from the 11:30 service message, "The Old Me Is Dead and Gone," based on John 20:10-18, you will hear me yelling and praising God. I could not hold back my joy. This is the very text I preached on Memorial Day at St. Stephen East, our Dosker Manor location in Louisvlle. My sermon title was "Now Run And Tell That! The June 1st, June 9th & June 10th posts on this blog are based on that sermon. Through Dr. Spencer, God encouraged me in my preaching ministry. To God be the glory!

There are more videos, pictures, and posts on St. Stephen's 83rd church anniversary on the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network at


  1. I think you are doing a good work. Your ministry is very valuable. It reaches so many persons. You are an inspiration to the faith community. Keep up this valuable work, sharing the faith and setting the captive free.

  2. Thank you, Ron!

    It was nice speaking with you at the church picnic. I am praying for you on the church pastorate.


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