
Friday, May 29, 2009

Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal

Rev. Angela Lee Price

Jesus Saves Ministries is blessed to present The Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal, a compilation of 28 Jesus Saves Newsletters. The journal contains articles, sermon excerpts, devotions, prayers, and testimonies by Min. Angela Lee Price and contributing writers, from September 2005-October 2008, covering the period of Min. Angela's matriculation at Simmons College of Kentucky.

Join me for the first book signing at Better Days Records, Lyles Mall, 2600 West Broadway, Friday, June 5th from 2:00-4:00 PM. Purchase a journal today and help fund a scholarship program for our next generation of preachers.

Feature stories and One-On-One Interviews include:
  • Rev. Dr. Charles Adams
  • Julian Bond
  • Pastor Syvoskia Bray
  • Rev. Dr. H.D. Cockerham
  • Rev. Louis Coleman
  • Dr. James Cone
  • Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook
  • Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby
  • Raoul Cunningham
  • Archie Dale
  • Cane Hope Felder
  • Pastor Kathy Goodwin
  • Dr. Julia Hare
  • Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes
  • Rev. Dr. J. Deotis Roberts
  • Bill Price
  • Tavis Smiley

And many others.

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Log onto the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network for more information. Jesus Saves Ministries is a non-profit ministry.

It is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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