
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Simmons College of Kentucky Holds Baccalaureate Service

By: Min. Angela Lee Price
Baccalaureate Service for Simmons College of Kentucky, Kentucky's oldest historically black college, was held Sunday, May 17th at First Virginia Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The service opened with Simmons College President Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby leading the processional of faulty, staff, graduates, and invited guests.
Rev. Dr. Charles Duncans, Sr., host pastor, welcomed all in attendance, and the First Virginia Avenue Church choir rendered musical selections. Rev. Dr. C.B. Akins, Chairman of Turstees, Simmons College of Kentucky and Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church-Bracktown, Lexingto, Kentucky gave the invocation. Dr. L.A. Newby, Senior Pastor, First Corinthian Baptist Church and Simmons trustee represented the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky.

Rev. Rusty Ellison, Senior Pastor, Walnut Street Baptist Church was Baccalaureate speaker. He spoke from Hebrews 11:8 and his message was entitled "Not Knowingness".

After the service, family and friends greeted the graduates and took pictures. Below eight of the 11 graduates are pictured with the Student Government President, Titus Lee Kennedy (far left). Commencement Excercises where held the Monday, May 18th at West Chestnut Street Baptist Church were graduates received degrees in Theology and degrees and certificates in Religious Studies. Rev. Anthony Middleton and Sarach Newby (both not pictured) recieved honorary doctorates in divinity and humanities respectively.

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