
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Min. Angela!

My birthday is on March 16th! Please celebrate with me by signing my guestbook! Thank you so much for supporting Jesus Saves Ministries!

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Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu.
    Happy Birhtday to youuuuuuu.
    Happy Birthday dear Angela, my big sisterrrrrr.
    Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    And Many More

  2. Happy Birthday Minister Angela!

    And many more!

    From Sister Lisa
    Learning About Jesuse

  3. Happy Birthday to You.
    Happy Birhtday to You.
    Hap py Bir th day An gelaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
    Ha ap py Bir th dayyyyyyy to youooooooooooooo.


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