
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jesus Saves Gangsters, Too!

By: Min. Angela Lee Price

In John 21:15-17, Jesus asked Simon Peter three times, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Simon Peter was frustrated by the third time and said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.”

Loving Jesus Christ requires that we obey His Word, and feed His sheep by telling others about Him. This is what we strive to do at Jesus Saves Ministries, share the saving grace of Jesus Christ from an African American perspective.

I don't know where exactly in California the above picture was taken, Los Angeles, Hollywood, or another location, but Jesus saves gangsters in Louisville, too! He delivers, heals, and gives them a voice in the political process. Jesus Saves Ministries is helping restore voting rights to former felons through an advocacy program that enabled 11 former felons to vote in the 2008 historic presidential election, many where able to cast votes for the first time in their lives through this initiative.
Additionally, Jesus Saves Ministries is helping former felons get their criminal records expunged. By the power of Jesus Christ, more past offenders are turning their lives around and serving faithfully in their churches as ushers, deacons, staff and ministry leaders. Check out the February 2nd post entitled, Miracle On the Ohio for more our voting rights advocacy initiative.

Consider partnering with or supporting Jesus Saves Ministries with your prayers and financial contributions as we strive to continue these and other initiatives. E-mail me at

It is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. In 2005, Jesus Saves Ministries assisted five former felons to regain their civil rights, including the right to vote. Our initiative in association with St. Stephen Church was the first faith-based advocacy program of it's kind that communicated directly with the governor's office, and local and state Departments of Corrections in Frankfort in tracking applicants through the entire restoration process. As a result of our initial success, the Louisville Branch NAACP modeled their 2008 first-time felons voting rights campaign after our program. We salute the NAACP for assisting more than 100 former felons to regain their voting rights.

    Currently, we have two applications pending approval in Frankfort. If you, or someone you know in Louisville or the state of Kentucky is interesting in having their civil rights restored, contact us at

  2. I would like to share my experience, strength and hope with another person. I was shot point blank in the back of the head by my cousin, AND JESUS SAVED ME. I am able to function normally. I have had no serious side affects as a result of this. I not only over came the injury but after 10 years I am able to say through the help of Jesus I forgave my cousin for trying to kill me.

  3. Your statement is a testimony to the power of Almighty God! Thank you so much for sharing it. It has blessed me and I have sent it on to others to bless them too. Forgiveness takes the offender off your hook and puts him on God's hook where he belongs. Praise be to God for the conviction he gave you to forgive. The world would be a better place if only we could forgive one another.

    God bless you!

  4. This website is awesome! I just found this website today(: What you ppl are doing is awesome! Jesus was and is the only one who can save anyone!


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