
Monday, February 23, 2009

Congratulations Joe Leavell & St. Stephen Temple Choir

Join us in congratulating Joe Leavell & The St. Stephen Temple Choir on the national release of their debut album, God Is Able on Emtro Records!

You can post congratulations here on the Jesus Saves Ministries Blog and enter your name and e-mail address on the right sidebar to enter the drawing to win a God Is Able CD. The first drawing will be this Thursday at 12 Noon.

Join Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network and/or post a comment below.


  1. I love taking quizzes and tests that challenge my knowledge and help me to gain insight about my people, that's what helped me get 17 out of 19, in this particular quiz, Black Oscars. It's a wonderful thing to find out and retain information about the lives of various African Americans who have aided in making us a race that has come so far and have done so many positive things in so many areas, in so little time. The impact and affect we as a people have made in the lives of everyone on this planet is astounding and gratifying to me. Realizing the talent, intelligence and pride we possess excites and motivates me to continue to strive to become the best I can be, and it is my hope that one day more of us will become aware of and operate in our God given gifts and talents, creating and leaving an even greater mark on the lives of others yet to become.

  2. Okay ya'll, I'm doing too much, the previous post was for the Black History quiz which you should take!
    All right enough said, let's get it on! I have the honor of being a member in this GREAT FAMILY called "The Temple Choir" under the Masterful Direction of Joe Leavell. It has been such a priviledge to be a part of this project. This CD was a labor of love, love shown to us, "The Temple Choir" through the tenacity and never tiring efforts of Joe our director, and our love to you, those who purchase it, hear it and are blessed by each and every song sung. "We" are NOT ignorant, we KNOW that without God's love and anoiting we are like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. So I take this time to tell you "We" give God Glory, honor and praise,for what he is doing, what he is about to do, and for ALL he has already done! Be Blessed and Filled with His Presence, KNOWING that God Is Able and He Will Bring You Out!! Purchase this CD it will bless your life! In fact get two and be a blessing to someone else!!


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