
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Announcing Black History Quiz Winners

Congratulations Deborah Carlton, grand prize winner in the Jesus Saves Ministries Black History Quiz drawing. She won the book, Obama: From Promise to Power by David Mendell, Mary Mary's award-winning new CD, The Sound, the ESV New Testament Holy Bible, a He’s Leading Me On Hebrews 12:2 t-shirt, and an African American Heritage Calendar. In addition, Deborah received a perfect score, 10 out of 10, in the Unsung Heroes category.

"Taking the Black History Month Quiz was a fun way to test my knowledge about our heritage. In addition to testing myself, I believe as parents and grandparents we must know our history so that we can educate and equip our children. They must know about those that have paved the way and the struggles they endured so that they can appreciate the privileges they (youth) now have, take pride in our rich history, and realize their own potential to impact the future." Deborah Carlton, Black History Quiz Winner

Three additional contestants, Michael Lee, Angela Tellis, and Beverly Jones, each won a gospel music CD as consolation prize for scoring 7 out of 10 in at least one of the four quiz categories, Unsung Heroes, Little Known Facts, Women in History, and Black Oscars.

"I love taking quizzes and tests that challenge my knowledge and help me to gain insight about my people, that's what helped me get 17 out of 19, in this particular quiz, Black Oscars. It's a wonderful thing to find out and retain information about the lives of various African Americans who have aided in making us a race that has come so far and have done so many positive things in so many areas, in so little time. The impact and affect we as a people have made in the lives of everyone on this planet is astounding and gratifying to me. Realizing the talent, intelligence and pride we possess excites and motivates me to continue to strive to become the best I can be, and it is my hope that one day more of us will become aware of and operate in our God given gifts and talents, creating and leaving an even greater mark on the lives of others yet to become." Angela Tellis

Thanks to Better Days West Records, Lyles Mall, Louisville, Kentucky for providing gospel music CDs for this drawing.

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