
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Alayna's Testimony on the Goodness of God

By: Alayna Middleton

This is my testimony on the Goodness of GOD.

I was in an accident Tuesday morning, August 26th, and I was ran off the road and hit by a Semi_Truck. My car flipped 3 three times and hit a wall and I landed upside down. When the car was finally down flipping I heard GOD tell me to get out of there. So I unbuckled my seatbelt and crawled from the front to the back of the car on my elbows because there was glass everywhere [but not on me] through the back window. Even though we all know that it was GODʼs angels pulling me through. My back windshield, front windshield, driver door, back passenger windows were all busted out.

GOD is so Good because I didnʼt have glass on me. As a matter of fact I donʼt have any broken bones, gashes, no amnesia, no bruises. Not anything. All I have are a couple of scratches on my legs. I could have had so many problems today, you know? I could be in the hospital and all that.

GOD is so good he spared my life and I am just thankful to be alive today because I could have lost my life. But because of GODʼs mercy & grace I am here today this morning alive and breathing. I Praise GOD for protecting me because while my car was flipping I was still in the driver seat the whole time. Praize be 2 JESUS!

Just like the story of Meshach, Shadrach, and Abendengo! Through the fire and through it all! GOD is faithful! GOD never fails!

I pray this testimony will help you to see GODʼs everlasting Goodness, Mercy, Love, Power, and Protection. Never take life for granted because we are all one heartbeat away from death.

So trust GOD in whatever you going through today because GOD is able.

Have a Good Day everybody!

God Bless


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