
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Those Preachin' Women Can Preach!

By: Rev. Angela Lee Price

Those preachin’ women took to the pulpit July 18-20 at Coke Memorial United Methodist Church in Louisville to proclaim the word of God to capacity audiences. A total of eight women delivered messages over three nights on Hagar, Rehab and the Widow’s Mite under the theme, “Obedience, Sacrifice, Commitment: It’s for the Kingdom.”

Preaching Wednesday night on Hagar and obedience, Rev. Ruth Mozee-Taylor, Rev. Dr. Gwen Washington, and Rev. Angela Lee Price.
Preaching Thursday night on Rehab and sacrifice, Min. Vanessa Skillion, Rev. Pearl Gillespie and Rev. Loni Floyd.

Friday night, Rev. Mercia Frierson's and Rev. Cassandra Grey's subject was tithing and commitment based on the passage, The Widow’s Mite. A consecration service and candle-lit prayer vigil caused many to rejoice. All women were asked to wear white.
Civil rights activist and newly appointed Justice Resource Center interim Executive Director Mattie Jones called the service a blessing. She fellowshipped after the service and spoke highly of her predecessor the late Rev. Louis Coleman.

Min. Vanessa Skillion, Rev. Geneva Nelson, and Rev. Linda Bunton lead praise and worship the three nights as various soloists and groups ministered in song. Jesus Saves Ministries gave away Walking with Jesus gifts in random drawings, including a See Yourself As God Sees You hope chest based on Genesis 16:13. Zephra Crawley won the hope chest, and the book, Freedom’s Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement from 1830 to 1970 by Lynne Olson.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


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