
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thousands Remember Rev. Louis Coleman

Rev. Angela Lee Price

More than 2,700 people, including many pastors, church, political, civic, and business leaders, paid final respects to First Congregational United Methodist Church pastor and civil rights activist Rev. Louis Coleman on Friday, July 11th after a week of memorial observances. Rev. Coleman,64, died suddenly on Saturday, July 5th at Norton Suburban Hospital after experiencing several seizures.

National civil rights activist and friend Dick Gregory eulogized Coleman, and compared him to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s predecessor Vernon Johns. Referring to the 23rd Psalms, Gregory stated, “Coleman had wisdom. He didn’t walk in Louisville, but through it.”

In the 3-1/2 hour service, an array of people including Mitchell Payne, Rev. Diane Mosby, Ben Richmond, John Johnson, Rev. Clay Calloway, Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby, Rev. Dr. Walter Malone, Judy Greene, David Tandy, and others presented different perspectives on the impact Coleman’s ministry and activism had on Louisville and the state of Kentucky. A letter was read from State Senator Gerald Neal in his absence.

Mitchell Payne remarked about having to arrest Coleman, his Godfather, once on the grounds of the University of Louisville. Rev. Kevin Cosby gave some of his time to Rev. Clay Calloway, President of the Interdenominational Ministerial Coalition who asked all preachers in the audience to stand in recognition of Coleman’s pastoral and ministerial service.

Referring to the prophet Micah, Cosby stated, “Coleman was a man who practice justice, loved mercy, and walked humbly before God.” Rev. Walter Malone compared Coleman to the prophet Amos stating, “He was a prophet of the truest order, a spokesperson for the oppressed.”
First District Councilwoman Judy Greene stated that the Metro Council will explore changing 34th Street to Rev. Louis Coleman, Jr. Blvd.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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