
Thursday, February 21, 2008

St. Stephen Church: On the Grow, Equipping New Members

By: Rev. Angela Lee Price

St. Stephen Church is experiencing phenomenal growth. The year 2006 was a record year in the growth of St. Stephen Church as 735 new members of all ages gave the preacher their hand and Jesus their heart. In 2007, 659 new members experienced life-a new, walking with Jesus as He continued to add to the church at a near record pace.

Life- A New is the St. Stephen Church adult new member orientation class. It is designed to fully equip new members to “stay connected” through magnification, membership, Christian maturity, ministry, and missions.

“Last year was an expansion year for Life -A New, our adult new member ministry,” states Member Services Director Rev. Angela Lee Price. In 2006, 453 adults joined St. Stephen, but only 159 or 35% attended new member orientation. Consequently, we had to expand Life- A New from one class offering per month on the Louisville campus in 2006 to more than eight class offerings at all three locations in 2007. We recruited additional gifted instructors and volunteers who love serving the Lord and equipping new members for service,” Rev. Angela stated.

“In 2007, our church was truly blessed. Approximately 139 youth accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We saw an increase in the number of adults joining the church over the previous year as 520 either committed or re-committed their lives to Jesus Christ. Of that number, 300 attended new member's classes. We experienced a significant turn-around in attendance over the previous year, too. Our attendance rate grew from a 35% in 2006, to a 66.61% in Louisville, and 45.84% in Indiana in 2007. St. Stephen Church is a church 'on the grow,' and the Lord is equipping new members through our new member process which includes attending Life-A New and Spiritual Gifts classes,” Rev. Angela stated.

Life-A New sessions are offered to new members on Saturdays, 12 Noon-4:00 PM on the Louisville campus, 2nd & 4th Saturdays from 10:00 AM– 2:00 PM on the Indiana campus, and lst Saturdays from 2:00-3:30 PM at St. Stephen East, Dosker Manor. Sessions are also held twice monthly on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM by appointment only. To enroll in an upcoming Life-A New class, call Member Services Asst. Director Rev. Ton’ya Triplett, 502-583-6798, ext. 6852. For information on youth new member assimilation, contact Rev. Jamel Armstrong, Youth Ministry Director at ext. 6877.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus Saves!

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