
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

got Jesus?

Rev. Angela Lee Price

He's the only Fish in the sea, you know, and you can learn all about Him in Sunday school with Learning About Jesus! I teach an adult Sunday school class called Learning About Jesus at St. Stephen Church. We meet Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:30 a.m., Room #2. We are a co-ed group of about 15-20 adults 25 and older. We would love to have you join us!

In the pictures seated from left to right is my leadership team, Sylvia Harper, the Missions/Ministry Coordinator; Marilyn Swinney, Class Administrator; Mattie Smith, Evangelism Coordinator; and standing left to right: me, Teacher; Karen Martin, Co-teacher; and Adrianne Braxton, Activities Coordinator, and Cozett Benson-Curry, Prayer Leader (not pictured). We cordially invite you to attend our class. Bring your Bibles and break the Bread of Life with us as we learn about Jesus, share testimonies, and grow in the Christian faith Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at St. Stephen Church, 1018 South 15th Street, Louisville, KY.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus Saves!

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