
Sunday, November 11, 2007

It Don't Take All That!: Senate Investigates Six Televangelists

By: Rev. Angela Lee Price

Many Christians have said, "It don't take all that!," - the mansions, Rolls Royces, and jet setting to save souls, and so on Tuesday, November 6th the senate launched an investigation to look into allegations of financial wrongdoing against prosperity preachers Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Paula and Randy White, and Joyce Meyer, Televangelists Under Investigation.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley is following up on complaints from the public and news reports. He said the allgegations involve governing boards that aren't independent and allow generous salaries, housing allowances, and amenities such as private jets and Rolls Royces, according to an Associated Press story on Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, and Kenneth Copeland are all members of the Oral Roberts University Board of Regents.
Oral Roberts, his son Richard, and the Roberts family are being investigated, too, according to the November 9th Louisville, Kentucky Courier Journal Newspaper article, Many saw televangelists' spending. Oral Roberts University is debt-ridden, insiders claim, because the Roberts used university endowments for personal spending. The allegations of improper spending come on the heels of an Octover 2nd lawsuit filed by three ex-professors according to the article.

Pictured above Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. According to Creflo Dollar, the planes and the Rolls Royce belong to the ministry. Does that mean that anyone in the ministry has access to both?

  2. I recall seeing Creflo on one "friendly" news report explain the need for the private plane, that he uses it to get him back and forth from between his New York to Atlanta ministries. However, not once did he mention that other members of the staff or lay church folk for that matter used the plane for ministry. Creflo should have mentioned that point on every news report, but he hasn't.

    Creflo, in his own words, admits that he is one of the strongest proponents for the prosperity gospel. What concerns me more than how he spends his money is how he preaches the gospel, or distorts it. The fact that preachers would purposely lie on God, and about the Word of God is particularly disturbing. Somewhere I think he believes that his interpretation of the gospel is authentic. Thats even more disturbing.


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