
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Summit Empowers Daughters to Greater Destiny

By: Min. Angela Lee Price

Jesus Saves Ministries was in the house as Women's Evangelical Network hosted its inaugural Daughter's of Greater Destiny Empowerment Summit January 20th at the Fern Valley Road Holiday Inn, Louisville, KY. The day-long event included workshops for women, an awards presentation, luncheon, teen summit, and vendors, and drew about 150 women and teens. This year's summit theme was "It's More Than You Think" based on Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly about all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." I served as mistress of ceremonies.

Women's Evangelical Newtwork CEO & Founder Rev. Syvoskia Bray (photo left) thinks big with W.E.N., and I ain't mad at her for that, "Our mission is to 'Change the World, One Woman at a Time' through educating, empowering, and encouraging women to grow spiritually and intellectually in their relationship with Christ," she said during opening remarks. She added, "God has already told me that this will be more than just a women's conference. It's a call to your greater destiny."

Summit attendees feasted on a smorgesboard of great preaching and motivational speeching. Rev. Mary Frances Stiner, Founder and Director, New Community Bible Study lead the opening prayer. Singer, songwriter, poet and producer Julia Royston (photo left) lead Praise and Worship. Speakers for three morning workshops were attorney Denise Brown, "Work With Who You Are," Rev. Jacqueline Triplett, "How Do You Like Your Eggs?," and Rev. Tanya White, "What Do You Do When Life Knocks You Down."

Mona Page, Founder/Executive Director of Rhonda's Another Chance, Michele' Lawlis, Founder of The DIVA Institute, Nina Strum, Founder, Women of Vision and Purpose, and Rev. Tanya White, Founder of T.E.E. Time received Daughters of Greater Destiny Awards for their leadership and dedication to ministry and community involvement.

Three afternoon workshops featured Sister Cherie Guildford, "Leadership, It's More Than A Title," Rev. Alice Tamre (photo right), "Wise Up Woman," and Angela Carter-Lanon, "Kingdom Fitness." Closing session featured Rev. Nicole Barnes, "Restoration to a Greater Destiny" based on her new book, Restoration of the B.A.D. Girl.

The Teen Summit agenda consisted of three workshops, Zambia Nkrumah, Education Director of River City Drum Corp presented "I've Got A Brand New Bag," Minister Nina Strum, Christian Educator and Teen Summit Program Director spoke on "The Power of Love, and Pastor Kimberly Boyd-Lane, Tabernacle Church, Sr. Pastor and KY Works Program Coordinator closed with "Write The Vision." Attendees below walked away with "brand new bags" and a whole lot more.

WEN Ministries does indeed think big. In addition to the Daughters of Greater Destiny Empowerment Summit, the network is hosting several events this year as part of three ministry components, the WEN Mission Initiative, MinistryWorks Institute, Africa Missions Concert Fundraiser.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. The Lord is calling all of His daughters to a Greater Destiny.

    As we plan to move into next year summit we are believing God to do even more great and mighty things in the WEN Ministries.

    I personally want to thank everyone who participated in this years summit. Let us hear your comments because I know It's more than you think" The Lord is already blowing my mind so I know he is doing great things in your ministry and your life.

  2. The WEN Ministries Daughters of Destiny Conference was simply an awesome experience! Rev. Syvoskia Bray continue to keep up the good work! Angela Lee Price keep moving forward and letting God use you to spread the message of Jesus throughout the world.


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