
Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Word of Faith Movement

By: Angela Lee Price

It is not the poisonous snake "way other there somewhere" that will hurt you, but the one crawling next to you undetected. The Word of Faith Movement is one of the fastest growing aberrant, at best, movements within Christianity. Many of the America's mega-church television preachers are proponents of Word of Faith theology, often called the Prosperity Gospel. Well-known names include Bishop T. D. Jakes (photo left), Creflo and Taffy Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Fred Price, Bill Winston, Bishop Charles Blake, Kirbyjohn Caldwell, Bennie Hinn, Marilyn Hickey, Juanita Bynum, Paula White, Joel Osteen, Myles Munroe, Leroy Thompson, Paul Crouch, and others.

Many people are aware that Word-Faith preachers like Bishop Eddie Long (photo left) preach prosperity, and they see nothing wrong with that. They are not aware, however, that in preaching prosperity, Word of Faith preachers have re-created Jesus Christ and the gospel message. In re-inventing Jesus as a Rose Royce-driving Messiah with mansions, private planes, rings, and bling, twisting and distorting the gospel--teaching that you are a god, for example, as Bishop Long and others do, Word of Faith proponents have become "the poisonous snake crawling at our feet undetected." Hear the hiss? Watch out. Don't get bit!

This Word of Faith Movement link provides great information on the movement. I encourage you to download the 38-page PDF file, study it, and share it with your church family.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

The picture of T.D. Jakes can be found in The Crisis Magazine, July/August 2006, in the article, Where Do We Go From Here? The popularity of mega-churches, many preaching a prosperity gospel, has created a schism among religious leaders over the direction of the Black church, by Vern. E. Smith.

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