
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Republicans Between Iraq And A Hard Place This Midterm

Republicans were between Iraq and a hard place, Hurricane Katrina this Midterm Election. Democrats turned out in large numbers at the polls and sent a strong message to President Bush regarding Iraq and Hurricane Katrina — We don’t approve.

Usher LaMont Anthony, Sr. voted this in Midterm Election after regaining his right to vote in 2005 through the St. Stephen Church Voter Empowerment Campaign spearheaded by Dr. Kevin Cosby and Voter Empowerment Minister Angela Lee Price. Five former felons in all regain their rights to vote and hold public office through this iniatiative. Regrettably, Kentucky does not restore the right to serve on a jury to former felons.

Statistics projected voter turnout in Kentucky, specifically Jefferson County at 55 percent, higher than the national average of 40 percent. Overall, turnout this election was about the same as previous midterms nationally, but there were pockets of places were it was higher. It appeared that Democrats showed up and Republicans either stayed home or voted Democrat. As many as one-third of Republican voters voted for Democratic candidates nationally overall.

Midterm Election highlights include Democrats regaining both the House and Senate seats majorities; Nancy Pelosi becoming the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives; Donald Rumsfeld resigning as Secretary of Defense; Duval Patrick becoming the second African American governor of the United States. Democrat John Yarmuth defeating incumbent Congresswoman Ann Northup in Kentucky’s 3rd District congressional race; and St. Stephen Church’s Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby preaching the best sermon of the year, What Party Is God In?

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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