
Friday, July 14, 2006

Sharpton Sharper Than Two-Edged Sword

By: Minister Angela Lee Price

It's getting HOT in here! I can feel the heat from Dallas! Rev. Al Sharpton's blazin'! He's in rare form, and he's coming to Louisville. He will be speaking August 3rd at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Sharpton's upcoming visit to the state's oldest historically black college, Simmons College of Kentucky and the General Association of Black Baptists in Kentucky's 138th Annual Conference energizes my hopes that black preachers will stop selling out and brainwashing our people, and start taking seriously their calls to speak truth to power.

Rev. Al Sharpton and other prominent black leaders spoke last week at the two-day National Conference and Revival for Social Justice in the Black Church conference at Friendship-West Baptist Church. Gordon Jackson in the article, No Social Justice, No Spiritual Peace said, "Not giving specific names, Sharpton and several of the other 100 ministers representing 20 states at the event criticized in general today’s Black mega-churches for emphasizing prosperity for their congregations, but leaving out practical agendas like helping its fellow man and uplifting the African-American community as a whole. " Click on the link in the title to read the full story.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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