
Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Deciphered

By: Angela Lee Price

The movie, The Da Vinci Code, based on the novel with the same name, opens nation-wide in theaters this weekend. The movie has many Christians quite alarmed as it depicts as biblical an unbiblical gnostic perspective of Jesus Christ. It stars Tom Hanks and is Directed and produced by Ron Howard. The movie is being promoted heavily and is expected to do quite well at the box office.

We are warned repeatedly in the New Testament to defend the faith, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV). Jude says, "...contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago has secretly slipped in among you. These are godless men, who...deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord." Jude 3-4 (NIV). The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:11, "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." (NIV)

To defend the faith is to know what you believe and why you believe it, and to stand for the truth of the Gospel, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, a piece of the Armor of God, is not only a defensive weapon, but also an offensive weapon. This means we should speak boldly from the Word of God about the truth of scripture, and warn others that what is being presented as truth in The Da Vinci Code concerning, for example, Jesus' divinity and his relationship with Mary Magdalene, is in fact error.

Ron Howard was a guest on Tavis Smiley On PBS tonight. Although the conversation centered around the movie, Cinderella Man, Tavis asked Howard if he knew his upcoming movie, The Da Vinci Code would be so controversial. Howard said he expected the movie to be controverial because it is based on the novel which was also controversial. He went on to say, and I am paraphrasing, that if nothing else, the movie should certainly generate considerable discussion about the subject. Howard has certainly directed and produced some great movies in the past, including one of my favorites, A Beautiful Mind, however, his half-hearted answer, Mayberry charm, and past performance will not excuse him on this one. The Da Vinci Code is an assault against Christianity.

As founder of Jesus Saves Ministries, one of my objectives is to help Christians and non-believers better understand why certain movements, doctrines and perspectives are either aberrant, almost but not quite unbiblical, or heretical, unbiblical as they contract fundamentals tenets of the Christian faith. The article The Da Vinci Code Deciphered by Pastor Gary Gilley is an in-depth critique that explores the Gnostic beliefs depicted in The Da Vinci Code.

Remember, it is not Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, Gnosticism nor New Ages that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. That in its self is the problem, you have no prof either way, just because you are ignorant enough to believe what you read in a book is all true dose not mean that it is the truth, there is more out there to discredit any religion then to support.

  2. Chuck,

    Thank you for commenting.

    That is why it is important now like never before to contend for the faith. The movie, The Da Vinci Code made $77 million at the box office this weekend, making it the number one pick among movie-goers. It out-distanced the second place movie by a wide margin.

    The Da Vinci Code, however, is generally not getting good reviews from bloggers who lined up early to see it. That's good since a recent report revealed that fewer people than originally thought actually attend church regularly each Sunday - 20 percent and not 40 percent. This means that there are a lot more people than originally thought who are ignorant about church history and what the Bible says. The researchers, Kirk Hadaway and Penny Marler conducted their research based on actual attendance figures. They went on to say in an article in today's American Baptist Newspaper entitled, "Fewer Americans Than Thought Going to Church, Says Study," that many people get the impression that more Christians than ever before are attending church due to the mega-church phenomenon. However, that is simply not the case.

    Moreover, a National Congregations Study in 2000 estimated that there were more than 330,000 churches in the United States, yet only 10 percent had more than 350 regular participants. The article cited the Christianity Today article, "Statistical Illusion" as saying, "this means those 10% comprise nearly half of those attending religious services in America."

    Statistics on a Newsweek/Beliefnet poll in the September 5, 2005 Newsweek Special Edition, "Spirituality In America," are consistent with those above. They asked 1,004 respondents a series of questions about their religious beliefs. Approximately 45 percent said they attend worship services weekly. One of the articles in the special edition, "Where We Stand On Faith, went on to say, "researchers who have done actual head counts in churches think the figure is probably more like 20 percent." The article expounded on African American trends, citing Darren Sherkat, a sociologist at Southern Illinois University who said, "There has been a particular falloff in attendance by African Americans, for whom the church is no longer the only respectable avenue for social advancement," and Patricia O'Connell Killen of Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington, who said, "The fastest-growing category on surveys that ask people to give their religious affiliations is NONE."


    I could go on citing statistics that point to the fact that people don't know what they believe nor why they believe it. They certainly aren't going to church, and when they do, oftentimes they're getting a hocus pocus Christianity, or a watered-down theology based on "felt needs," all designed to appeal to the "itching ear."

    I agree with your statement that one shouldn't accept what's in a book as truth simply because it says that it is. We should study to show ourselves approved. Sadly, we can't even trust the Bible anymore to give us the truth. The Bible itself is being re-written, supposedly to appeal to contemporary culture. There are new "translations" being marketed everyday. I don't have a problem with appealing to contemporary culture, but I do have a problem with creating books disguised as Bibles that distort God's Word.

    Books and movies don't save us. Jesus saves, but, for various reasons, people are finding their spirituality in non-traditional places, Dr. Phil and Oprah, The Passion of the Christ, and The Purpose Driven Life - everywhere, but from the the Word of God. So, we must contend for the faith. If we don't, as my pastor said in the February article, "Prophet Or Pathetic" on this blog, "Satan comes in and anything goes."

    Remember, it is not Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, Gnosticism, nor New Ages that saves. Jesus saves!

    May God bless you,

    Angela Lee Price


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