
Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Heavenly Father, Sovereign God of Heaven and earth, we love, honor, cherish and adore You. We give you the highest praise, Hallelujah! Great is Your faithfulness. Thank you for bringing us our of our midnight hours this year and into Your marvelous light. Thank you for giving us another 52 weeks to worship You, study Your Holy Word, and tell others about your Son, Jesus Christ. Father, please forgive our sins. We desire to render a prayer that is acceptable in Your Presence.

Lord, we have so much for which to be grateful, and so much for which to say thank you. Thank you for dreams deferred answered this year, the restoration of civil rights to five St. Stephen Church applicants. Their restorations stand as symbols of hope, chains of bondage supernaturally broken by Your awesome power. We rejoiced on January 15th at the appointment of Rev. Dr. Kevin Cosby to the presidency of Kentucky’s oldest historically black institution of higher learning, Simmons College of Kentucky.

Father, we bless you for the multitude of heroes called into service from the black church, civil rights organizations, historically black colleges and universities, and black media to help house and heal Hurricanes Katrina and Rita evacuees and bring awareness to their plight. You’ve shown us that racism is rampant, that poverty is spreading in America, and that there is much work to do. You’ve shown us miracles in the midst of tragedy, and we bless you. Please comfort and protect the 2,000 evacuees still residing in Louisville, Kentucky.

Thank you for the examples of hope you’ve given us, men and women of color who fought courageously in 2005 for political, social and economic justice. We appreciate, too, and remember those called to Heaven this year, actor and activist, Ossie Davis, publisher, John H. Johnson, and the mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, and many others. Thank you for their heroic contributions toward the advancement of civil rights and social justice.

Thank you for Jesus and for all who came to know him as Lord and Savior in 2005. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

From: Jesus Saves Ministries Newsletter - November, 2005

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