Sad news from Louisville Seminary...
Dear LPTS Community:
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you news on the passing of the pioneering womanist ethicist Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon. The first African American woman to be ordained in the United Presbyterian Church (USA), Dr. Cannon was a venerable member of the Union Presbyterian Seminary. In 2011, she was honored by the American Academy of Religion with its Excellence in Teaching Award. In June 2018, she received the Excellence in Theological Education Award at the PC(USA) General Assembly.
Here at Louisville Seminary, the Katie Geneva Cannon Lectureship has served as a regular program of the Women’s Center at LPTS since 2006. Dr. Cannon herself was the inaugural lecturer. Cannon’s lecture entitled, “Untethering Grace from Dogmatic Anchors: A Womanist Critique of the Transatlantic Slave Trade,” focused on a doctrine of transformative grace that emerges from the biographies of Africans who were dispersed throughout the American Colonies as chattel property. Through this history Cannon believed there is much to learn about “the divine gift of redeeming love that enables us to affirm, even in the most dire, oppressive situations, our dignity as beloved persons created in the image of God.”
At the time of the establishment of the lectureship, Cannon said the honor of a lectureship was quite unexpected, very much like the “unexpected journey of my life,” which she describes as one of blessings and daggers – some of which she saw reflected in the unpredictable 50-year journey of clergywomen.
Our prayers to her family, friends, and her colleagues at Union Presbyterian Seminary.
Our dear sister. Go with God. Rest In Peace.
Alton B. Pollard III
President Elect
Louisville Seminary
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