Herein is the rest of the story...Praise does more than that because when you praise sometimes you won't have to fight the battle at all! Isn't God good! So while you're at work, why not offer up a sacrifice of praise. While you're on your lunch break, lift holy hands during Holy week. Offer up authentic praise, praise that is heart-felt, consistent and genuine. Hebrews 13: 15-16 state, "Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. 16 And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.…"
In 2 Chronicles 20, the text says beginning at verse 21, "After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever."
God loves it when you fast, pray, and seek His face, and He loves it when you praise Him. Jehoshaphat takes the people's advice and he orders men to sing to the Lord. When they did that, God set ambushes against the three nations and they turned on each other, and destroyed each other!
This is almost identical to what happened in the war Gideon's army did not have to fight in Judges Chapter 7. God sent 300 men against a vast army of 30,000 Midianites. God confused the enemy with trumpets, torches, and timing! The army prepared for war, processed to the battlefield, and positioned themselves, but they did not fight! And God got the glory! When praises go up, blessings come down!
Share with us how you are stepping out with authentic praise during Holy Week. Log on to and post a comment!
A Thankful Life!
By: Maurice Jackson, Kansas City, MO
Consistent with words of thankfulness is a lifestyle that reflects the same.
Our LIVES should exhibit appreciation to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the one who SAVED our LIVES. We can say 'Thank You, Lord' with our lips while in our living, we actually dismiss Him. Jesus said in Matthew 15:8 that some come near to me with their words but their hearts or very distant from me.
Jesus also said that IF we love Him, we WILL keep His commandments. Our conduct and HOLY lifestyle tells our HOLY GOD that we are grateful to be His children. Our entire Christian existence should be a constant praise and thanks to God!
Our natural children make us proud parents when they have followed the precepts and directions that we have given them throughout the years. And once they have put these things into practice and they become upstanding, productive and respectful citizens, it reflects upon their adherence to the teaching and training they received from us. This is to the praise of the parents themselves. The implementation of these precepts demonstrates gratitude towards the source from which they were received.
And we as children of God, in the very same manner, conduct our lives to the honor and praise of our Heavenly Father, showing our gratitude through obedience to Him.
The Word tells us in Ephesians 5:1 to be imitators of God as dear children!
Notice that is says "DEAR" children. Now some offspring don't quite turn out to be DEAR children because of their constant disobedience. Though, as parents, we still absolutely love them unconditionally, they may not always follow in the way we presented to them and often take an opposite path. It is our hope that they eventually turn toward the right path.
Conversely, as DEAR children, we are to imitate our Heavenly Father and reflect His holiness in our thoughts, behaviors and character. Consistent with words of thankfulness is a lifestyle that reflects the same. Obedience to The Father should be our gratitudinal priority.
Share with us how you are stepping out with authentic praise during Holy Week. Log on to and post a comment!